Sunday, October 23, 2016

New Literary Agent Alert: Kira Watson of Emma Sweeney Agency, LLC

ReminderNew literary agents (with this spotlight featuring Kira Watson of Emma Sweeney Agency, LLC) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building his or her client list.


About Kira: Kira Watson graduated from Hunter College where she earned a BA in English (with a focus on Creative Writing) and a BA in Russian Language & Culture.

(How many agents should you contact at one time?)

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She is Seeking: Kira is particularly interested in Children’s Literature (YA & MG) with a strong narrative voice, well-crafted storylines, and memorable characters. Within YA & MG, Kira is actively seeking Realistic Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Magic Realism, Thriller/Mystery, Horror, Fantasy, and Historical Fiction.  Stories with folklore elements, complex villains, morally enigmatic (and very flawed) protagonists, medieval literature influences, and taboo subjects are bound to catch Kira’s attention.

(Why you should only query 6-8 agents at a time.)

How to Contact:  “We accept only electronic queries, and ask that all queries be sent to Please begin your query with a succinct (and hopefully catchy) description of your plot or proposal. Always include a brief cover letter telling us how you heard about ESA, your previous writing credits, and a few lines about yourself. We cannot open any attachments unless specifically requested, and ask that you paste the first ten (10) pages of your proposal or novel into the text of your e-mail.


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